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“That which is striking and beautiful

is not always good, but that which

is good is always beautiful.”

 – Ninon de L’Enclos

Another Way Home, Ikat Rug



The quote above which states 'that which is good is always beautiful' is the best answer we’ve found: Good is beautiful.



We can't pretend to have a definitive answer for this, but we can tell you what we know about the manufacturing practices behind the majority of products available in the current Home Decor Marketplace.


Making things attractive, alluring, stylish and desirable is relatively easy to do. The vast majority of items for sale in today's home decor stores are made through the exploitation human labor ((both child and adult) and materials and manufacturing practices that are environmentally unsustainable. When human suffering or unsustainable materials and manufacturing practices are used in the making of products then no matter how attractive they may appear, they are innately abhorrent.  


Knowing that the beauty we create at Another Way Home goes well beyond the surface of things motivates and inspires us. We welcome the challenge to create beauty sustainably. We work hard to ensure that goodness is an essential ingredient in our products. 



The result is beautiful rugs and home accessories that invite us all to become more aware of how the things we consume are made. The results are products that embody the only kind of beauty that truly matters. The result is ANOTHER WAY… HOME.


A very big question for a little

design company to ask – but

one which is fundamental to

all we aspire for at



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